
Fixed-term and temporary contracts policy

Policy overview

We aim to recruit and retain high-calibre employees to enable us to provide quality services. We engage the services of a variety of employees and workers, in addition to our permanent employees. This policy guides the management of fixed-term and temporary contract employees.   


A fixed-term contract is defined, in accordance with The Fixed-term (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, as:

“A contract of employment that is due to end when a specified date is reached, a specified event does or does not happen, or a specified task has been completed”

  • A fixed-term contract is a contract of employment for a fixed period. It has a known end date or length of contract  
  • A temporary contract is a contract where the end date or length of the contract is unknown. The contract will indicate the anticipated length of the contract. The contract should also state the reason for the temporary status. 

We will only use temporary or fixed-term contracts for approved vacancies. We will not use these contracts to cover for a post awaiting approval or funding. Managers should complete the vacancy approval process for any vacancy. This includes vacancies which may be filled by a fixed-term or temporary contract.   

For more details, read the recruitment policy

Working for a better future graphic


Any related managers toolkits, letters and forms for this policy are available on Lincs2Learn.