
Fixed-term and temporary contracts policy

Termination of a fixed-term contract

We regard the following as dismissal:  

  • termination of a fixed-term or temporary contract  
  • non-renewal of a fixed-term contract beyond its expiry date   

We will follow our standard procedure:  

  • A manager in the relevant service area, with the authority to dismiss, will write to the employee. They will inform them that their fixed-term or temporary contract is not being renewed. This will result in the termination of employment on the grounds of redundancy or some other substantial reason (SOSR). They will arrange to meet the employee as soon as possible.   
  • We will give the employee five working days' notice of this meeting. We will inform them of their right to be accompanied by:   
  • a work colleague  
  • trade union official   
  • a recognised trade union representative  

The meeting will take place before the start of the required notice period.  

The employee may confirm that they understand the fixed-term or temporary contract is due to end, and they do not wish to attend the meeting. We will then issue the relevant dismissal letter.  

If they wish to attend the meeting, we will advise the employee of:  

  • the reasons for the end of the contract  
  • the grounds of the dismissal  
  • termination arrangements  

The employee will be able to ask any questions. Following the meeting, we will confirm the outcome in writing.   

The employee has the right to appeal against their dismissal, as per our appeal policy. They must exercise this right within ten working days of the receipt of their termination letter.    

The reason or grounds for their dismissal will be either:   

  1. Redundancy - where the requirement for the work to be undertaken has diminished or ceased. This may include employees recruited to:  
    • carry out the completion of a specific task. This could include project work that is dependent upon external funding. The post will end once the funding ceases or we cannot find further funding  
    • carry out a specific task that they complete ahead of time  
    • provide additional employees and the provision of services then reduces or ceases  
    • a temporary post in a redundancy situation, to avoid immediate redundancy. If we do not offer the employee an extension or renewal, we will typically dismiss them for redundancy. In such cases, ending their extended employment is due to the original redundancy situation  
  2. Some other substantial reason (SOSR). For example:  
    • an employee recruited to cover secondment of the substantive post holder
    • an employee recruited to cover a vacancy whilst we undertake recruitment
    • an employee recruited to provide cover for maternity or adoption leave. The substantive post holder returns    

The entitlement to any redundancy payment depends on whether:   

  • the employee has completed two years' service  
  • the reason to not offer renewal of the contract is redundancy. The employee will be entitled to redundancy if:  
  • we propose to terminate a fixed-term contract early  
  • we propose to terminate a temporary contract by notice due to the same conditions as redundancy