
Public health privacy notice - Privacy notices

Why we collect information about you
  • to improve the health and wellbeing of the population of Lincolnshire
  • to provide advice and guidance to the public
  • for procuring and commissioning health improvement services, such as support for substance mi-use, smoking cessation, weight management, workplace health, sexual health and general wellbeing
  • helping protect people from the dangers of communicable diseases and environmental threats
  • analysis of statistics and intelligence for research and planning purposes
What type of information we may collect
  • name, date of birth, address and contact information
  • unique identifier, such as NHS number
  • social and/or economic status

We may also process some special category (sensitive) data such as:

  • physical or mental health details
  • race or ethnic origin
  • religious or philosophical beliefs
  • sex life or sexual orientation
Lawful bases for processing information about you
  • necessary to comply with a legal obligation
  • necessary to perform a task carried out in the public interest or exercising official authority
  • necessary for the provision of health or social care treatment or the management of health or social care systems
  • necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health
How we may collect your information
  • provided directly by you when you access services
  • provided by another organisation involved in the provision of services, such as healthcare, social and welfare organisations
  • other local authorities
  • voluntary and charitable organisations
Who we may share your information with
  • other organisations and professionals involved in the provision of services such as health and social care.
  • providers of commissioned services
  • other local authorities
  • public Health England
  • voluntary and charitable organisations
How long we hold your information for

We are required to retain your information for as long as is necessary, after which it will be securely destroyed.

Further information on retention periods is available through our customer privacy notice.

Your information rights

You have several rights in relation to the information that the council holds about you. For information about your rights, when they might apply and how to make a request to exercise them, please see our customer privacy notice.

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