
Adult care services privacy notice - Privacy notices

Why we collect information about you
  • to assess, meet and review the social care needs of vulnerable adults
  • assessment of, and support for, carers of vulnerable adults
  • commissioning health and social care services for vulnerable adults in both community and residential settings
  • to provide financial support required to meet social care needs
  • to assess mental health care needs and provide an appropriate package of care, including obtaining funding for mental health services, placements and packages
  • safeguarding and protecting vulnerable adults from harm
  • to support individuals with disabilities both in the home and in the community
  • to provide support to young people who are transitioning into adult care services
  • compliance with regulatory/inspection regimes (for example, Oftsted and Care Quality Commission)
  • improving service performance
  • reporting and completion of statutory returns to central government.
What type of information we may collect
  • images, audio and video recordings
  • name, date of birth, address and other contact information
  • personal circumstances to enable assessment of eligibility for services
  • care needs
  • financial information
  • National Health Service (NHS) number
  • details of alleged and convicted criminal offences

We may also process some special category (sensitive) data such as:

  • physical or mental health details
  • racial or ethnic origin
  • religious or other beliefs
Lawful bases for processing information about you
  • necessary to comply with a legal obligation
  • necessary to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
  • necessary for the provision of social care and the management of social care systems and services
  • necessary for reasons of substantial public interest
How we may collect your information
  • provided to us directly by you
  • provided by another individual, such as a carer or family member
  • provided by another organisation involved in the provision of services such as healthcare, social and welfare organisations
Who we may share your information with
  • organisations and professionals involved in the provision of services such as healthcare, social and welfare organisations
  • family members and other individuals participating in the adult care assessment process
  • the police
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • other local authorities and district councils
  • voluntary and charitable organisations involved in providing adult care services
  • health and social care regulators
How long we hold your information for

We are required to retain your information for as long as is necessary, after which it will be securely destroyed.

Further information on retention periods is available through our customer privacy notice.

Your information rights

You have several rights in relation to the information that the council holds about you. For information about your rights, when they might apply and how to make a request to exercise them, please see our customer privacy notice.

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