
Sexual health

Good sexual health is essential and support is available to help you:

  • maintain healthy relationships
  • prevent disease
  • find the right contraception

How to take care of yourself

Taking care of your sexual health means regular screens every three months for under-25s and between each new partner. 

Regular screening and practising safer sex lowers your risk of sexually transmitted infection and long-term health issues. 

The Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Services (LISH) run clinics to screen you and help with any problems. There are some clinics specifically for young people.

You can also get advice from your school nurse or NHS choices.




You can access all forms of contraception from the age of 13 without parental consent. However, there must be no safeguarding concerns.

The nurse you see will decide if you are competent.

For more advice, .

C-Card scheme

The Lincolnshire C-Card Scheme provides free condoms and sexual health information to young people aged 13 to 19.

To join the scheme, you must register at one of the C-Card Registration Points. You must give your date of birth and the first part of your postcode. 

All information is confidential and we cannot trace you. You will get a credit sized C-Card.

To find a registration point near you, .