
Register an event that affects the highway

You must register any event you organise that may impact the use of the highway.

This includes any event which may:

  • require you to apply for temporary traffic restrictions
  • affect the safety of pedestrians and other road users
  • increase on-street parking
  • restrict access for emergency vehicles
  • affect planned highway works
  • any increased traffic flows in the area due to the event

You must give at least 13 weeks' notice, except for street parties. You must provide clear plans if an event requires a temporary traffic restriction.

Event information is shared with blue light emergency services, other County Council teams, and the District Safety Advisory Group (SAG) chairs. 

For all other event enquiries please email eventsmanagement@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Register an event

You can view planned events affecting the highway on .

Street parties

For street parties, you must:

You must give at least six weeks notice.

Useful links for event organisers