
Apply for third party traffic management

You must apply for permission to use temporary traffic management, including temporary traffic signals.

You do not need to apply for works taking place under the Lincolnshire Permit Scheme (LiPS) such as works on behalf of utility companies. Instead, an application should be submitted via Street Manager.

Before you apply, read the temporary traffic signals application terms and conditions.

Applications must be made at least 10 working days before the required start date. Applications for urgent or emergency works must be made within two hours of the works starting or by 10am the next working day if works started outside of normal working hours (8am to 4.30pm).

Apply for third party traffic management

Permission to place traffic management on the highway will be granted under Section 171 of the Highways Act 1980. This process is in addition to any legal requirements for other activity, such as temporary traffic regulation order (for road closures) or excavations or installations of apparatus in the highway.

Terms and conditions


  • Statutory utility companies working under the Lincolnshire Permit Scheme (LiPS) are not required to follow this application process.  Instead they should submit an application via Street Manager.
  • Traffic management must be placed in accordance with Safety at Street Works and Road Works – A Code of Practice (the Red Book) and Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
  • Promoters must comply with all conditions of approval, unless the Highway Authority agrees specific variations with the promoter.
  • Traffic management must not be sited without prior approval.
  • The provision of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 direct the Highway Authority to give written approval for temporary traffic management, including portable/temporary traffic signals, prior to placement on site.
  • Any changes to a formally authorised application must be agreed by the Highway Authority via an application amendment. A new application will be required for significant changes.
  • Traffic management must be removed when no longer required for site operation, within 4 hours of completion of any activity.


  • The Highway Authority reserves the right to recharge reasonable costs incurred for an application, including where a design is required on behalf of the applicant. The basis for fees and charges will be agreed in advance.

Liaison with other organisations

  • The promoter is responsible for initial arrangements with other affected organisations such as:
    • affected residents/businesses
    • public transport operators
    • emergency services
    • adjoining highway authorities
    • traffic control centres

Associated works

  • The continued operation of permanent traffic signals and pedestrian crossings within a portable traffic signals site is prejudicial to public safety. Prior approval must be sought from the highway authority before permanent facilities are suspended
  • The promoter should establish with the highway authority the arrangements for the suspension and reinstatement of these facilities including identifying the parties authorised to carry out any work
  • The promoter should identify (in conjunction with the highway authority) any other measures that are necessary to facilitate the works, such as:
    • adjustment of street furniture
    • making of temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) 
    • suspension of any permanent TRO’s (for example No Entry, No Right Turn, One Way Streets, Bus Lanes, Controlled Parking

Portable/temporary traffic signals 

The term "portable traffic signals" is used throughout these terms and conditions. This procedure provides guidance on the formal authorisation of the temporary use of traffic management, including traffic signals, irrespective of terminology used elsewhere.


This process applies to the prescribed requirements for any promoters of activities on the highway to obtain formal authorisation from highway authorities before placing portable traffic signals on the highway which is a legal requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, formal authorisation must be obtained for non-notifiable works. It is an offence to place and operate portable traffic signals on the highway without approval from the traffic authority.

Relevant reference material is shown in:

  • the Traffic Signals Regulations and General Directions 2016 (the TSRGD)
  • Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 Part 2
  • Safety at Street Works and Road Works – A Code of Practice (the Red Book)
  • ARTSM Guidance on the use of portable traffic signals (Edition 1, 2023)

The authority may consider applications by promoters to operate a system of general prior approval for the exceptional circumstances permitted by Direction 53(2).

Although placement of portable traffic signals for the following categories of work require formal authorisation, these applications will follow an agreed "fast-track" process: 

  • emergency
  • urgent
  • special cases of urgent and remedial dangerous

Full retrospective applications for formal authorisation for any fast-track applications must be received by the highway authority:

  • within two hours of works starting, or
  • by 10am the next working day if the works started out of hours (outside 8am to 4.30pm)

Applications for portable traffic signals where a shuttle section includes a road junction should be clearly identified under the site location and details section of the application. The highway authority may require that multiphase portable traffic signals are used at these sites.

Suitable ordnance survey-based site plans of not less than scale 1:1250 must be supplied for all hard copy applications. One set must be supplied for soft copy and facsimile applications. Plans must show:

  • head or controller position
  • stage diagram details
  • work schedules

Proposed signal timings must be submitted with all applications. Use of vehicle actuation is standard except where otherwise instructed verbally or in writing by the highway authority.

The "site location and details" section must refer to the highest classification of street on which the portable traffic signals will be placed for the notified works, for example:

  • A road
  • B road

A separate schedule of works should be provided with the application if the number and position of signal heads will change through the progress of the works.

The promotor will take responsibility for ensuring compliance with any conditions associated with the formal authorisation of an approved scheme.

It is the responsibility of the promoter to arrange in advance with the relevant highway authority for the adjustment or suspension of:

  • permanent traffic signals
  • pedestrian crossings
  • bus lanes or bus stops
  • controlled parking
  • Traffic Regulation Orders

Any changes to the approved application must be agreed by the highway authority. These changes may require a new application to be submitted.

Promoters must comply with the authority procedures and time scales for advising when the portable traffic signals are activated and deactivated.

All portable traffic signal equipment must conform to the TSRGD Regulation 35.

Promoters must take account of environmental considerations for their works. This may include:

  • seeking approval with the regional electricity company or Highway Authority to utilise mains power supply for portable traffic signal equipment or
  • ensuring that equipment is battery operated. Use of generators must comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Promoters must comply with the . They must have regard to local highway authority policy and guidance notes and relevant checklists when submitting applications. It is a statutory requirement that "STOP/GO" boards must be available in case the portable traffic signals break down.

Work activity must be ongoing on site at all times while signals are being used, unless otherwise directed by the highway authority and in regard to NRSWA s66.

The return to the promoter of an approved application form together with any conditions of approval, will constitute written permission to place portable traffic signals in regard to the application made. A copy of this permission must be held on site and provided on site for inspection when requested.

The highway authority reserves the right to instruct removal of the temporary traffic management at any point during the works.

Application process period

The following minimum notice periods are required for approval process:

Category of work


Emergency, Special Urgent, Urgent, Remedial Dangerous Telephone before set-up. Notify within 2 hours or 10am next working day if out of hours
All minor works: traffic sensitive 10 days
All minor works: non-traffic sensitive 10 days
Remedial works: dangerous Telephone before set-up.  Notify within 2 hours or 10am next working day if out of hours
Remedial works: non-dangerous 10 days
Standard works: traffic sensitive 10 days
Standard works: non-traffic sensitive 10 days
Major works or projects 10 days

Note 1: Days are working days in accordance with the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.

Note 2: Scheme design and approval process period will be confirmed by highway authority on request.

Note 3: The highway authority is not obliged to accept a request to design a scheme.