
Report age-restricted sales

You must contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service, if you are aware of:

  • any traders selling restricted products to children below the legal age
  • children buying products and you know the trader they got them from

It will then refer all relevant reports to our Trading Standards team.

You can also call 0808 2231133.

To find the age restrictions on products, .

What we do

We contact traders if we receive complaints about them. We offer advice about the law and how to avoid making sales to underage people.

We conduct test purchases where underage volunteers try to purchase age-restricted goods. They will do this under the direction of a Trading Standards officer.

We may prosecute traders who sell to these volunteers.

Proof of age scheme

We use for proof of age.

If a customer looks under 25, they must prove they are over the legal age to purchase the product with ID.