
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Plan

Strategic priorities

We have a responsibility and a legal duty to:

  • ensure that Lincolnshire has effective multi-agency arrangements for safeguarding and preventing abuse for our most vulnerable adults
  • have a three-year strategy that reflects identified areas of concern in Lincolnshire
  • report back on our work each year in an annual report
  • review cases where:
    • an adult at risk has died or sustained serious abuse or neglect, and
    • there are concerns as to how board partner agencies worked together to protect that individual

We must ensure that lessons are learnt, and good practice is shared.  This will ensure a more joined up partnership approach to safeguarding.

Find out more about adult safeguarding on our website.

Our strategic priorities

Our overarching priority of the next three years is prevention and early intervention. 

We will focus on keeping people safe by mitigating safeguarding risks before they escalate. Priority areas will include:

  • further improvement in the quality and safety of residential and nursing care
  • preventing and or limiting the impact of pressure sores (across NHS and independent sector providers)
  • tackling the domestic abuse of older adults (includes opportunity for joint working the other three statutory boards)
  • preventing financial abuse (includes opportunity for joint working with the other three strategic board)
  • safeguarding adults with complex needs by piloting phase two of the team around the adult approach

We intend to focus on these areas over the coming years:

Making safeguarding personal (MSP)

We will ensure that all our LSAB partners can consistently evidence a MSP approach to safeguarding practice. In particular:

  • partners can evidence that they have spoken to the person at risk prior to raising a safeguarding adult concern
  • that all partners will encourage the person at risk (or their advocate) to confirm what outcomes they wish to be achieved
  • that we will seek to achieve the outcomes expressed in a personalised way
  • that partners will work together to keep people safe and prevent safeguarding risks from escalating
  • implementation of our MSP action plan

Learning and shaping future practice

We will ensure that the learning from all our reviews and assurance activities will be shared and embedded within partner agencies.  The aim is to reduce the risk of repeat incidents or causes of harm. Key areas of focus will include:

  • trailing innovative approaches to safeguarding adult reviews (SARs)
  • completing assurance activities to inform the continuous improvement of safeguarding practice across all partners
  • identification of themes and trends to drive training and awareness input both locally and nationally, for example, professional curiosity and mental capacity
  • build on our ability to evaluate that system-wide change has taken place as a result of the learning
  • supporting all stakeholders to improve the quality and impact of their safeguarding activity to improve the outcomes for adults who are abused
  • establish a constant cycle of learning and improvement at a local and national level

Safeguarding effectiveness

To support the board to work effectively we will ensure the effective operation and continuous improvement of:

  • governance
  • scrutiny
  • business processes

Our key areas of focus will include:

  • developing a flexible and effective communications and engagement strategy.  This will include a review of our information and advice offer.
  • ensuring our quality assurance process is robust.  We will identify any challenges, share best practice and hear the voice of service user. This will incorporate the completion of the local assurance framework by our partners.
  • ensuring an effective risk and issues management process and our policy and procedures including a review of our risk register
  • data collection and analysis to ensure our work is always based on evidence. This will include the development of an enhanced assurance dashboard for our executive.
  • developing a service user and community engagement plan that will help us to further embed our co-production ambitions