
Social care

Services if you need more support

What does this look like in Lincolnshire?

Some children and families will need some additional help for a little while, primarily from one professional or agency to prevent needs escalating.

We refer to this as early help. Early help is to work with families to come to their own solutions to the problems they are facing as early as possible, so we can hopefully work together to stop these getting worse. 

Early help can mean one agency primarily supporting the family with concerns, or a number of agencies working together to address the identified needs of the whole family.

The early help offer is not just for very young children as problems may also emerge at any point throughout childhood and adolescence.

The early help offer includes universal and targeted services designed to reduce or prevent specific problems from escalating or becoming entrenched.

Find out more information about and team around the child.

Find out more information about short breaks and how you can get help.

Image of a child looking through their painted hands

Find services and groups for children and young people.