
Home education

Teaching your child at home

What you teach must be suitable for your child’s age and ability or for any special needs they may have.

You do not have to follow .

You can get advice and find support groups for parents who are teaching their children at home from:

You do not have to teach them yourself. Some parents:

  • pay for a tutor for some parts of the curriculum
  • teach in small groups with other families involved in home education

You can also use the Stay Safe Partnership who deliver age appropriate safety workshops.


Your child will not have to take the National Curriculum tests (known as SATs).

You can arrange for your child to take exams, such as GCSEs, as external candidates at exam centres like further education colleges. You will need to contact the colleges.

There are no grants to cover the cost of exams.

Returning to school

Your child can go back to school at any time. You will need to apply for a school place.