
Signs for tourist attractions and facilities

The application process

Step 1 - Applicant may submit an enquiry to request tourism signs. We will direct them to the online brown tourism sign application process.

Step 2 – Applicant submits an online application, uploads mandatory supporting documentation, pays the application fee. 

Step 3 – Notification received by signs and lines team that a new application has been submitted. 

Step 4 – Signs team action officer carries out checks to validate the application before consulting with the district council. 

Step 5 – Once a positive response is received from the district council, the applicant is advised of the design fee and asked to make payment online.   

If no response is received from the district council, we will chase before considering escalation.   

If a negative response is received from the district council, we will contact the applicant and advise them to resolve the problem with the district council. Repeat, until a positive response is received from the district council. 

Step 6 – Once notification is received to say the design fee payment has been paid online, we will then provide a quotation for the provision of signs. 

If no payment for the design fee has been received, we will send a reminder. If there is no response after six months, the application will be archived. 

Step 7 – Once notification is received to say payment for the provision of signs has been paid online, we will place orders for the signs and works will be programmed by our highway term contractor. 

If no payment for the signs has been received, we will send a reminder.  If there is no response after six months, the application will be archived. 

Step 8 – After five years the applicant is contacted via the online system to take part in a re-vetting process, in order for the signs to remain.