
Environmental weight limits

A restriction can be imposed for environmental reasons on routes which have been identified as:

  • unsuitable for use by heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), and
  • where there is a better and equally convenient alternative

An environmental weight restriction usually only applies to vehicles with a maximum gross weight of 7.5 tonnes or above. The maximum gross weight is the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle when fully loaded.

Environmental restrictions can be applied to:

  • individual routes, or
  • a defined area of roads that we have determined as unsuitable for vehicles over a certain width or weight

They are useful in preventing HGVs from using minor roads as inappropriate shortcuts between main routes.

Our reasons for using this restriction include:

  • preventing damage to the highway (carriageway, footways, street furniture) and buildings
  • protecting the character and environment of rural areas, villages and residential estates
  • managing congestion on our roads
  • reducing risks to vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and cyclists

When proposing a weight restriction for any route or area, we must consider those vehicles that will be re-routed. Sometimes, a route may seem inappropriate for HGV use, but there may be no realistic alternatives. Introducing a weight restriction then will only displace problems onto other unsuitable roads.

Where alternative routes are available, we will:

  • ensure, wherever possible, to positively sign these routes
  • give early warning of a weight-restricted area to help the restriction to be self-enforcing

Environmental weight restrictions will nearly always include exemptions for:

  • vehicles making deliveries or collections at premises within the restriction
  • vehicles working on or near the roads in question
  • emergency service and military vehicles
  • buses, coaches and other public service vehicles

This means that vehicles requiring legitimate access within the weight limit area are permitted. Imposing weight restrictions on routes or areas where most HGVs using those roads need access premises is inappropriate. A restriction in such circumstances will have little or no effect.

We do not normally consider imposing weight restrictions on A and B classified roads. These roads are generally very high quality and are intended to:

  • carry large volumes of traffic, including HGVs
  • form priority routes
  • link communities together
  • have an important strategic function