
Apply for temporary event or housing development signs

If you require temporary signage for an event or housing development, you will need to make an application.

Temporary signage needs to comply with and you will be asked to provide:

  • a name and description for the event
  • details of the event organiser
  • date of the event

Before you apply, please read our further guidance.

We require a minimum of six weeks’ notice for each application. There is an administration fee of £75, which is VAT exempt, for each application.

Apply for temporary event or housing development signs

Further guidance

When applying for temporary event or housing development signs, you will need to:

  • provide a sign schedule and location plan
  • provide evidence that your company has valid public liability insurance, including the date of expiry
  • confirm that you are aware that you will be required to indemnify the County Council against any claim arising out of an accident alleged to have been caused by the inadequacy of a temporary sign whether in siting, visibility, insecure mounting or other cause and that you are responsible for the cost of making good any damage to street furniture and statutory undertakers equipment resulting from the erection of the signs
  • take all necessary measures to avoid obstructing traffic
  • ensure that your staff are competent and have undertaken the necessary training to work in the highway
  • ensure that the signs will not cause additional danger to the public or others working on the highway, as specified in and the

You will be asked to make reference in your application that the signs:

  • comply with the current version of the
  • are designed in accordance with
  • will be erected no more than 48 hours before an event, and removed immediately after the event has finished
  • do not display sponsors, dates or times
  • discreetly display your company name and contact details on the rear, so that you can be contacted in case of emergency
  • will not obstruct sightlines, or obstruct a road user's view of other signs and signals
  • will not be obscured by foliage.
  • are positioned at site and visibility distances in accordance with
  • are erected at minimum 1.5 m mounting height over a verge, 2.2 m over a footway and 2.5m over a cycleway, and must be complied with should sign assemblies be erected under the influence of overhead power lines
  • are not erected onto any street furniture which already supports any regulatory signs or traffic signals, or wooden, cast heritage or traditional style sign assemblies
  • are only attached onto lighting columns when the total size of attachments does not exceed 0.30 sq metres
  • do not obscure any part of an existing sign
  • are tidy and professional in overall appearance and of robust construction
  • are fixed securely to its supports, preventing rotation or slippage, and will not damage the protective coating of any posts
  • are reflective if they are required to be read during the hours of darkness

If new posts are used for the purpose of the sign they should not be rusty and will need to remain serviceable for the expected duration of the sign being displayed.

A temporary sign contractor should ensure that a reinstatement of existing conditions occurs following removal of the temporary sign.

If you have further queries, please email signsandlines@lincolnshire.gov.uk