
Additional DfT Funding 2023-2025


We are always exploring new and innovative techniques for highways maintenance, including:

  • the cold recycled bound material technique, which takes old road surface material and recycles it. In 2022/23, it’s estimated that we recycled roughly 40,000 tonnes of material back into the road network.
  • our Operational Control Hub (OCH), which allows us to monitor activities across our road network in real-time. The OCH, established in 2023, will use live data to challenge on contract decision making to ensure that the service improves now and into the future.
  • automation of our performance reporting by utilising new software and systems to pinpoint areas that can be improved. This data is presented during the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committees. You can .
  • the hydro re-texturing technique which uses high-pressure water jets to extend road life for an extra three to five years.
  • our use of artificial Intelligence to capture information about the condition of our roads and other useful asset information for driven inspections.
Funded by UK Government

Made possible by reallocated HS2 funding