
Performance and response times

We monitor our progress on all responses to community safety activity.

Our current key priorities are to:

  • reduce fires
  • reduce road traffic collisions
  • improve health and wellbeing

To find out how we are performing, view the council business plan.

Types of incidents in Lincolnshire 2023-24

Type of incident Number of incidents Percentage

First responder or co-responder incidents (responding to emergency medical incidents with the ambulance service)

413 6%

Other special services (such as industrial or agricultural incidents to save lives and use of equipment to make an area safe)

1,638 24%

Primary fires (commercial premises, dwellings, vehicles in use) 

878 13%

Secondary fires (waste land, fly tipped rubbish, abandoned vehicles and derelict buildings) 

759 11%

False alarm by automatic apparatus

1,382 21%

False alarm (good intent)

782 12%

Road traffic collision

742 11%

False Alarm (malicious intent)

49 1%

Chimney fire

43 1%

Response times

We measure our response times by using a 'drive time' model. This uses the speed that a fire engine can travel, based on the type of road.

An allowance factors in the time it takes for the fire engine to start travelling. It allows:

  • two minutes for wholetime firefighters
  • five minutes for retained firefighters

Our response standards are:

  • we will respond to dwelling fires within an average of 11 minutes for the first fire engine
  • we will respond to all other incidents within an average of 15 minutes for the first fire engine

We investigate all occasions where the response time has not been met.

Lincolnshire fire and rescue logo full colour large

Contact Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue

If there's a possibility of a fire or emergency call 999.

Address: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Headquarters
Deepdale Lane

Telephone: 01522 555777