
Parking enforcement

We are responsible for issuing Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) when motorists contravene:

  • on-street parking restrictions
  • coastal countryside car park restrictions


If you have received a penalty charge notice (PCN), you can pay it or challenge it.

We also manage and review:

We are not responsible for:

  • restrictions in district council-owned car parks - district councils manage and enforce these
  • vehicles causing an obstruction - this is a criminal offence under the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, which should be

Report nuisance parking

If on-street parking restrictions are in place, you can report the issue to us.

Report nuisance parking

Parking statistics and reports

For details about PCNs issued in Lincolnshire, .

You can also .

Parking bay suspensions

We can suspend enforceable parking bays to allow for:

  • statutory works
  • highways work
  • provide a pedestrian walkway
  • construction works
  • assist tree services
  • certain events

You must submit your application at least 21 days in advance.

Apply for a parking bay suspension

A bay suspension request does not guarantee the bay will be clear of vehicles. We advise the company requesting a bay suspension, especially in a resident permit area, to carry out an advertising campaign/letter drop to ensure that local residents are aware of the suspension and to request that they do not park in the suspended bay during the works.

What happens next?

If relevant to your application the charge for a bay suspension is £33.

We may contact you with further questions before we grant a suspension.

We may place conditions on how a suspended parking bay is used.

If approved, we will put warning notices in place at least one week prior the start of the suspension.

Suspensions can last for a maximum of 28 days. For periods longer than 28 days, you must apply for a temporary Traffic Restriction Order.

Vehicles parked in a suspended area may still receive a Penalty Charge Notice. 

Find out how to pay or challenge a Penalty Charge Notice.

Please email waiverpermits@lincolnshire.gov.uk if you require any further information.

Waiver permits

A waiver permit allows a vehicle to be exempt from some parking restrictions.


  • for trades vehicles only, not issued to private motor vehicles
  • maximum of six permits to any company at any one time
  • issued when constant access to tools and materials is required from the vehicle to undertake work. not approved just for ease of parking
  • must have the vehicles registration number stipulated on the permit
  • maximum duration for any waiver permits is 62 days
  • issued for parking in limited waiting bays and, or residents permit bays, occasionally for single yellow lines if no loading restrictions are in force
  • not usually approved for parking on double yellow lines, disabled parking bays or loading bays


  • we require five working days to process applications
  • for emergency works, email waiverpermits@lincolnshire.gov.uk prior to submitting application
  • permits are not issued on the day they start
  • we have the right to refuse an application at any time

Once issued

  • having a permit does not reserve or guarantee a space in a bay
  • only valid for parking as stated on the permit
  • must be printed in colour and displayed at all times
  • you must not deposit goods on the footpath
  • you may be issued with a penalty charge notice if we believe you are abusing the rules
  • permits can be revoked at any point if misuse is suspected


  • one road Â£26
  • up to 10 roads £38
  • residents parking zones (Grantham, Lincoln and Stamford) £54

A list of the roads covered by the Lincoln residents permit can be viewed on the  website.

Apply for a waiver permit