
Share your views on 2022/23 budget proposals

Cllr martin hill

The council is currently in the process of setting its budget for the 2022/23 financial year.

Initial .

Cllr Martin Hill OBE, leader of ˶, said:

“Despite an increase in our government funding, the council continues to face significant financial challenges over the next few years. Although we expect to be able to balance the budget this year, we face a shortfall of around £22m over the next four years, primarily due to increased costs, particularly in adult care.

“We know this is also a difficult time for many families, with rising inflation and energy prices, so at this time we are not proposing any increase in general council tax this year. However, we are proposing a 3% increase in our adult care precept to help cover an expected £13.5m increase in costs in 2022/23. This means Lincolnshire will continue to have one of the lowest council tax rates among shire authorities.

“Unlike last year, we haven’t allocated £12 million to cover the funding slashed from our highways maintenance grant by government. This is because we’re still hopeful that the transport secretary will listen to reason and reinstate this money.

"Of course, if that funding doesn’t materialise, we will need to look at this again and that may mean changes to our budget proposals. We know road repairs are a priority for residents and we want to protect this element of the budget as far as possible.

“We’ll continue working closely with our local MPs to get the decision-makers in Westminster to introduce a fairer way of sharing out the available highways funding, ensuring that areas like Lincolnshire are no longer left behind.

"You can help in our fight by visiting our campaign webpage and writing to their local MP to demand better funding for our roads. Visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding for links to our latest news, videos and content – including the ability to share your personal pothole stories and videos.

“Over the next four years, we expect to save around £25m through measures such as home working, increased use of digital technology, a reduction in administrative posts and the disposal of surplus buildings.

"This approach will allow us to maintain and invest in frontline services at a time when other councils are having to reduce theirs.

“Meanwhile, we will continue to push government for a fairer share of the national funding. Local councils have played a huge role in supporting our communities during the pandemic and we hope that moving forward we are given the money we need to provide the services our residents rely on.”

Members of the public can let us know their views on the 2022/23 budget proposals, including the rise in council tax, via the link below. However, if you would like to comment, please do so by 26 January 2022.

Submissions now closed

A summary of the views received will be provided to the Executive on 8 February before the final budget recommendations are presented to the full council on 18 February.

Published: 11th January 2022