
Your views needed – county council wants your pothole stories for new cash plea to Government

Fix our funds to fix our roads

If you’ve been affected by broken roads or a plague of potholes, then your voice is needed in new fight for more funding

After kicking off the new ‘Fix Our Funds To Fix Our Roads’ campaign on Monday 13 December with a letter to the Secretary of State for Transport, the county council has now launched a webpage people can visit to get involved.

The county council is now asking residents to write to their MP and share stories of the roads they use, which can be done at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: “It’s essential that we hear from residents about the state of our county’s road network. Every single voice and every pothole story will play a role in telling Government how serious this issue is to all of us.

“The new webpage, www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding, offers a hub for people to find out more and to get involved by sharing stories that we can pass on to MPs and Government, as well linking to where people can write to their local MP direct. 

“Lincolnshire people who have to use crumbling roads on a daily basis are being punished by this underfunding from the Department for Transport, so we need every resident who’s had enough to help us with our new ‘Fix Our Funds To Fix Our Roads’ funding campaign.

“People power really matters and hearing from Lincolnshire residents directly will add real strength to our campaign to fix our funds so we can fix our roads.

“When the Government brings in over £25 billion a year from fuel duty alone, it’s hard to understand why we’ve had to use money from our reserves to fill the £12 million left by roads maintenance grant cuts.

“It’s crucial that we get this money back because, without it, people will see our roads get worse.”

How to get involved

Visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding to share your personal stories about the county’s roads. You’ll also find videos, a template letter to MPs and more information relating to the ‘Fix Our Funds To Fix Our Roads’ campaign.

You can also get in touch with your local MP directly by visiting .

Published: 15th December 2021