
Thousands more potholes fixed for Lincolnshire

Three workmen in high vis wear filling a pothole in the road.

September saw another massive round of road improvements from our highways department.

Figures now in show that the four-week period delivered more than 6,000 pothole repairs, hundreds of streetlight repairs, loads of footpath works and more than 14,500 gullies cleared out.  

Work across road surfacing and cutting back unruly trees and bushes were also a big part of the 30-day workload delivered.  

For September, the totals were: 

  • Potholes repaired: 6,059  
  • Pothole reports: 1,254 
  • Footpaths rebuilt: 33 
  • Roads rebuilt: 28 
  • Roads surface dressed: 31 
  • Footpaths surface dressed: 47 
  • Drainage schemes: 4 
  • Streetlight repairs: 715 
  • Tree/Vegetation jobs: 218 
  • Gullies cleaned out: 14,646  

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for Highways said: “The figures available give a real insight into the huge amount of work we are continuing to undertake in the county.  

“Once again, our team have managed to repair and improve far more issues than were reported to us. And it’s not just potholes that are returning big positives to those who get around our county. 

“We’ve been getting on with hundreds of streetlight repairs and other works. For the first time we’ve been able to get a monthly breakdown of gullies cleansing too and it shows that in the four weeks our teams managed to clean 14,646. 

“It’s the latest in a long line of great results this summer which deliver on our commitment to continue our county-wide efforts to keep on improving the road network.  

“With our network being one of the most rural in the country, and being 5,500-miles long, there’s often a pretty unique set of issues to overcome for each scheme of improvement we deliver. We’re getting there with our goal of widespread improvement, and we know we’ve got a way to go – but we’re on the right road and delivering for the people of Lincolnshire.” 

Published: 15th October 2024