
Committee to discuss impacts of potential £110m road funding loss

An artist's rendering of the North Hykeham Relief Road

Councillors will discuss plans for the North Hykeham Relief Road after the new Government announced it was reviewing the funding.

There are fears that if the road is not built, Lincolnshire could lose out on over £350 million in economic benefits over the next 60 years.

The Department for Transport allocated £110m funding for the North Hykeham Relief Road project in 2020, with the rest of the scheme funded by ˶ and developer contributions.

Work was expected to start late next year, but the new Labour Government announced in August they were reviewing all big spending.

At the next , members will discuss the economic consequences for the city and the wider region should the scheme lose its government backing.

Cllr Ian Carrington, chairman of Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee, said: “The consequences of the government removing funding for the project would be far reaching, and the committee hopes to identify these, to draw attention to the ramifications, and put pressure on our local representatives and national policy-makers.

"The consequences of not building the road are considerable and are likely to mean that the development of 4,500 new homes and 7 hectares of employment land would be become unviable, representing a massive, missed opportunity for economic prosperity.

“I have invited officers working on the project, affected councillors, and the MPs for Lincoln, and Sleaford and North Hykeham, to the meeting for the committee’s discussion about what this uncertainty around the funding would mean for our county.”

A considerable amount of work has been carried out by the council including public information events, engagement, planning and design work, dating from 2005 when the first 'preferred route' consultation took place.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways at ˶, said: “Completing a ring-road around Lincoln is not only about easing traffic congestion within the centre of the city, it will open up land for new development, attracting further investment and new employment opportunities, boosting our local economy and providing homes for local residents.

“Conversely, not completing the project could mean stagnation in the local economy, and add further congestion coming in and out of the city and across the wider county.

“This isn’t a potential future scheme that we’re looking for funding for. If the government decide to pull funding for the North Hykeham Relief Road, this would be a case of cancelling something that has already been agreed, and one that a lot of work has already gone into to bring to this stage. It would be a huge kick in the teeth for the people of Lincoln and Lincolnshire.”

You can find out more about the North Hykeham Relief Road scheme at .

Published: 6th September 2024