
Cllr Hill Blog: July 2024

Image of Cllr Martin Hill

The general election is now over and I’d like to congratulate our re-elected Lincolnshire MPs.

Caroline Johnson, John Hayes, Edward Leigh, Victoria Atkins, Gareth Davies and Alicia Kearns, and also to the newcomers - Hamish Falconer for Lincoln and Richard Tice for Boston and Skegness.

It is a great honour and privilege to be elected to represent our residents at any level and I wish them all well for the future.

With a new Government elected, there are already issues emerging which will affect Lincolnshire and other rural areas. 

Change is inevitable and the new Labour government have quickly announced that major infrastructure projects will be pushed through, overriding any local concerns and objections.

Permission for two giant solar farms were granted within three days of the new government taking office – Mallard Pass in South Kesteven and Gate burton in West Lindsey. Quite rightly there are concerns about plans for more infrastructure such as enormous pylons, onshore wind turbines, more huge solar farms, reservoirs and pipelines. 

It has to be remembered that these pylons and water pipes, which will blight our landscape, are not even for the benefit of Lincolnshire but to take power and water to the south of England. If this new infrastructure is to be built at such a scale that it ruins our environment we will vigorously oppose it.

Although it feels difficult to challenge these, the role of any elected representative is to stand up for their area. We will insist that any development is carefully planned and built in sympathy with our communities and countryside in mind.

Also when there is any new development there will be added pressure on roads and services such as electricity, water, sewage and health and there are concerns that in the rush to build more, the necessary money to provide accompanying services will not be forthcoming.

Lincolnshire has had to accept the need for more local homes. We have already committed to providing 100,000 new homes in Greater Lincolnshire by 2040. I believe we are more than doing our bit in Lincolnshire and will not put up with unacceptable demands on our county.

Published: 17th July 2024