
Newland highway improvements June update

An image of the current progress on Newland

The latest update on the Newland highway improvements.

What we achieved in May

  • Installed new kerbs and channels along the south-side of Newland
  • Completed drainage improvements along the south side of Newland
  • Footway reconstruction along the south-side of Newland
  • Started carriageway reconstruction on westbound lane of Newland
  • Reconstructed footway and crossing points of the north-side of Brayford Way / Carholme Road junction

What’s happening in June

  • Installation and commissioning of traffic signals equipment on Brayford Way / Carholme Road junction
  • Reconstruction of central splitter islands on Brayford Way / Carholme Road junction
  • Start the carriageway reconstruction on Brayford Way / Carholme Road junction
  • Island and footway reconstruction at the Lucy Tower Street junction
  • Switch to new working area on the north-side of Newland
  • Start drainage improvements on the north-side of Newland
  • Installation of new kerbs, channels, pedestrian crossing on the north-side of Newland between The Avenue and Orchard Street

Current/ongoing traffic restrictions and closures

  • 24/7 westbound closure of Newland, between Wigford Way and The Avenue
    • Diversion via East West Link, Tentercroft Street, Rope Walk and Brayford Way
    • Vehicles can access Lucy Tower Street and the multi-storey car park by travelling eastbound along Newland

Upcoming traffic restrictions and closures

  • N/A

Published: 4th June 2024