
Boston Dolphin Lane Rejuvenation

The signage above Dolphin Lane

The Dolphin Lane rejuvenation project in Boston will see the lane’s current paving replaced with a more aesthetically-pleasing style of Yorkstone setts that reflect the historic character of the town centre.

Repairs and replacements to the current bollards will also be carried out. A new bin, bench and four new cycle stands will also be installed.

Businesses along Dolphin Lane will remain open throughout the works. 

The project is part of the Boston Town Deal's , which is being carried out by Heritage Lincolnshire. 

Aims and benefits

  • more attractive retail environment
  • higher footfall for the businesses situated on Dolphin Lane
  • better links with Market Place

Cost and funding

The estimated cost is £500,000, with a combined contribution of £123,500 from the Boston Town Deal and National Lottery Heritage Fund, and the remaining funding coming from us.


  • July 2021: Boston Borough Council secures £21.9m Town Deal funding
  • May 2022: All Boston Town Deal business cases approved by central government, including Dolphin Lane
  • May 2023: Construction begins
  • October 2023: Project complete

*All future dates are projected and subject to change dependent on external factors.