
A46 Dunholme/Welton roundabout

About the project

A46 Dunholme/Welton drawing

A46 Dunholme/Welton drawing

We have built a new three-armed roundabout at the A46/Lincoln Road junction and reduced the level of the hill along this section of the A46 to improve visibility.

Aims and benefits

Now that the project is complete, these improvements will:

  • improve safety and reduce the number of collisions at this junction
  • reduce congestion and increase visibility for all road users
  • accommodate future development in the area

Cost and funding

The £5.6m project was part-funded using the £2m allocated to the authority by the Department of Transport (DfT) from tranche 2 of its National Productivity Investment Fund. The remaining funding has come from a combination of third party contributions and the county council.


  • June 2017: Information event held at Welton Manor Golf Centre
  • June 2017: Bid for National Productivity Investment Fund funding submitted
  • September 2017: Planning application submitted
  • October 2017: DfT allocates £2m to the council from its National Productivity Investment Fund
  • February 2018: Planning permission granted
  • April 2019: Publish and promote legal orders
  • December 2019: Secretary of State approves legal orders
  • February 2020: Preparatory works carried out
  • July 2020: Construction begins
  • June 2021: Project complete