
Speed cameras

Types of speed camera

In Lincolnshire, we use four types of speed camera. These are:

  • GATSO cameras
  • Truvelo cameras
  • Vector SR cameras
  • Specs3 average speed cameras

We also use one type of mobile speed camera, the Kustom Laser Witness. This is placed in or around a speed camera van.


Speeding penalties

We operate a zero-tolerance approach to speeding in Lincolnshire.

If you receive a notice, you must respond.  You have a right to challenge the evidence or to put issues of mitigation to magistrates.

By law, you must identify the driver. Failure to do so will result in court action being taken against you (or company secretary).

We do not supply photographs unless there is a genuine problem with identifying the driver.

We will supply you with a photograph for any court trial.

If you are caught by a speed camera

Police may offer you the opportunity to attend a .

If you complete the course, you will not get points on your licence, a fine or a court hearing. You will have to pay for the course.

If you are not offered a course, you may receive a ‘conditional offer’. If you accept points on your licence and pay a fine, you will avoid a court hearing.

Find out more about .

Community Speed Watch

The Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme aims to help residents to tackle local speeding issues.

There are currently more than 200 parishes and town councils operating the scheme throughout Lincolnshire.

CSW only operates in 30 and 40mph speed limit areas.

There are three levels of Community Speed Watch membership:

  1. The use of highly visible passive speed limit reminder notices.
  2. The use of battery powered speed indication devices (SIDs) to re-enforce residential speed limits.
  3. Volunteer speed checks.

The two types of speed warning signs are purchased and operated by communities and are attached to lamp posts or other available street furniture.

The speed notices and SIDs are then moved around numerous sites within a community to ensure they are always fresh and impactive.

We will provide up to six free passive roadside notices. Extra notices cost £20 each.

Parishes can also buy wheelie bin stickers at a cost of 50p each.

Order community speed watch products

Speed Checks

Members can also register to carry out speed checks in a controlled and authorised manner within their parish.

The police will train and monitor parish volunteers to carry out speed checks.

The police will send letters of advice to the registered keeper of any vehicle exceeding the speed limit.

Speed enforcement remains the responsibility of Lincolnshire Police and will continue to be carried out by trained police officers.


To ensure consistency all volunteers must be 18 or over and have to undergo training with a police-approved trainer. All new volunteers will receive an initial health and safety briefing before they are allowed to participate in Speed Watch activity.

Volunteers are not subject to any form of police checks but can be rejected or removed from Community Speed Watch without explanation by the police.

Volunteers will get direction during training to ensure they do not act in an unacceptable manner whilst a member of CSW.

Training is carried out online using Zoom or face to face with an area coordinator.

Get involved

To join the scheme you must first seek parish council agreement. If your community already has a CSW scheme, the group coordinator will have details on how and when you can receive training.

If you do not have a scheme, contact us by email CSW.Admin@lincolnshire.gov.uk for guidance on what to do next.

Download the community speed watch information booklet.