

What THRIVE is

THRIVE is a word built from cultural themes which you believe are the key behaviours that are important to our organisation.

People from across the service have helped build THRIVE and it is something we can use to explain to new starters what it means to be part of Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue. You have all been a part of capturing this and your help to produce a cultural direction that we can all share is very much appreciated.

Some things you have said:

  • Trust only comes from warmth and good relationships. More emphasis should be made on relationships/team building and shared goals.
  • Trust is incredibly powerful and so much more can be achieved together when we trust one another.
  • Having each other’s backs.
  • To help in the community we need to ensure every station is available to attend any incident therefore we will help and support as much as needed to carry this out.
  • We all need help from time to time, whether that is the public, colleagues and managers, other agencies, suppliers or ourselves.
  • Fundamental role of the FRS is to help. Without this we have nothing.
  • The manner in which we conduct ourselves demonstrates how we want to be treated. Respect is mutual and is gained.
  • “We are all so beautifully different” and how true that is and that is what enriches our lives.
  • Respecting everyone’s, thoughts, feelings, actions and differences without judgment.
  • To be included gives us more confidence and comfortable to give opinions and ideas and to challenge others.
  • Inclusivity brings better ability to solve problems.
  • Creating an environment where people feel safe and able to engage and contribute.
  • Appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Create achievable targets so that individuals can demonstrate their abilities.
  • Feeling valued gives us a sense of purpose and pride and we feel appreciated.
  • I believe empowerment motivates people far more than money.
  • Empowering others to be creative and innovative in how they deliver their work.
  • Staff are included in developing the policies and processes which shape our service.