
Community Risk Management Plan 2024-28


The past few years have seen an unprecedented change in fire protection legislation. A number of tragic events have resulted in the spotlight focusing on fire protection activities. Fire safety in the built environment is recognised as an effective method of keeping people safe, and our Fire Protection team is committed to educating and enforcing safety standards. 

It is important we understand those buildings that present the highest levels of risk, housing those who are most vulnerable and greatest societal risk. Our competent and highly experienced workforce has the most up-to-date training to deliver protection activities. 

We work closely with our partners to share data and understand risk in the built environment. We will explore using technology to streamline our processes to allow work to be carried out effectively and efficiently. 

Appropriate action is taken in relation to those who disregard the need for compliance with fire protection requirements. We will work with businesses (as far as reasonably practicable) in line with the regulator's code to help them comply with legislation. However we will enforce against legislation where necessary to ensure the safety of our communities.  

Fire safety audits  

Our primary method of ensuring compliance against the  (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) is to carry out fire safety audits. We ensure our fire safety inspectors are competent and updated in line with national legislative updates. Whilst we target identified risks and also react to intelligence and information received from members of the public and partner agencies. 

Our dedicated fire safety officers deliver against our inspection plan, focusing on the highest risks. They are supported by our operational crews, who carry out inspections commensurate with their level of training and skills. Ongoing development ensures all staff are given the appropriate skills and tools to carry out protection activities. 

We use our enforcement powers where appropriate, issuing formal notices where identified risks pose a threat to life. 

Risk Based Inspection Programme  

Our Risk Based Inspection Programme allows the level of risk to be assessed and allocation of a relative risk rating as required. This inspection programme provides a clear focus for the Protection Team and allows work to be prioritised.

While national datasets are considered when evaluating risk, local risk and partner datasets ensure local risk drives activities.

Information from the Care Quality Commission, food hygiene ratings and Environmental health officers are examples of information used to inform local risk and activities. 

Business engagement  

Providing information on how to comply with fire safety legislation to local businesses in several formats is a key part of the delivery. Partnerships are formed with established business forums across the county, e.g. Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Alliance.

These provide a platform for sharing information and educating as required. Campaigns are carried out with partners, focusing on identified local and national issues, for example, with Trading Standards colleagues. 


Our specialist-trained Fire Safety Inspectors support consultations where appropriate, offering advice and details where non-compliance is identified.

Our Fire Safety Inspectors remain current with changes made to improve consultative processes, offering the appropriate level of oversight and scrutiny to new and existing high-risk premises within scope of the fire safety legislation.