
Biker Down course

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, in collaboration with ,  and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, offer a free, 3-hour national training course for motorcyclists.

The course provides bikers with valuable information on what to do should they ever be the first on scene at a road traffic collision, how to care for casualties and effectively administer essential first aid.

Comprised of 3 modules, the course is delivered by Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, LIVES and Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance colleagues:

Module 1 - Incident Scene Management

This module covers approaches to managing an incident when first on scene, ensuring safety of those involved and contacting emergency services.

Module 2 - Casualty Care

Delivered by qualified medical professionals, this module provides information, guidance, and practical demonstrations on first aid, CPR, major bleeds, and crash helmet removal.

Module 3 - The Thinking Biker

The final module considers the ‘science of being seen’, covering issues such as looming and motion camouflage whilst offering information and advice for bikers on how to maximise opportunities to be seen.

Upcoming dates will be available soon.                                       
