
Apply for a skip, scaffold, hoarding or cherry picker licence

Scaffolding terms and conditions

Before commencing erection of a scaffold, hoarding or other structure on the highway, you must apply for and have a granted licence from us.

You must be able to respond to and rectify any safety concerns raised within two hours, at all times.

Construction and maintenance

A licence does not exempt any vehicle from traffic regulation orders. If needed, you must apply to suspend the traffic regulation order.

A licence will be issued to competent applicants, who must:

  • comply with the specific terms and conditions prescribed in the granted licence
  • erect and maintain the scaffold or structure in accordance with Part 1 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996, NASC TG20:21, the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and other legal requirements
  • ensure that all works are compliant with 
  • Use suitably qualified personnel to design, erect, modify and dismantle the structure, ensuring an appropriate number of on-site scaffolding operatives who must hold one or more of the following qualifications, or equivalent:
    • Traditional scaffolding (tube and fitting)
    • System Scaffolding
    • CISRS Scaffolder Card
    • CISRS Advanced Scaffolder Card
    • CISRS-carded Trainee Scaffolders (a maximum ratio of one competent to one trainee)
  • not erect the structure before the start date on the licence
  • The Council requires a ‘Scafftag’ system should be at all legal access points and visible at ground level
  • Scaffolding must be a minimum of 450mm from the carriageway edge. Where this cannot be achieved, suitable protection measures must be implemented within the carriageway (e.g. red and white barriers). Signing and guarding of such protection measures must comply with Safety at Street Works and Road Works – A Code of Practice (the Red Book)
  • fix the scaffolding to the adjacent structure or have external bracing to prevent displacement
  • put suitable measures in place to prevent falling debris or objects
  • ensure the scaffolding or structure does not have sharp ends, unprotected nuts/bolts for the first 2m above the highway
  • place suitable high visibility plastic plates under base plates, for scaffolding placed on the highway surface. Sole boards to be used where necessary. Sole boards should be highlighted with red and white hazard tape.
  • have adequate lighting 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise
  • ensure that all works are compliant with 
  • Unless agreed with the County Council, ensure all working levels of the structure have debris netting. Overhead protection from falling material must be provided (i.e. double boarded and sheeted at first lift) and should comply with TG20:21
  • TG20:21 protection fans must be considered as part of the scaffold design. Where these are deemed necessary or requested, they must be installed to a minimum height of 5.41m above a carriageway. You must measure this from the kerb or highest point of the road, whichever is higher. For pedestrian areas only, protection fans must be above a height of 2.44m. This should be increased this if high-sided vehicles are likely to overrun the footway
  • Maintain pedestrian access ensuring the base lift does not have a horizontal ledger, a transom or tie tubes lower than 2.44m high above ground level
  • ensure that adequate pedestrian routes are provided at all times and are safe for pedestrians. Equipment, ladders or materials should not be left on the footway or carriageway
  • comply with all reasonable requirements of the Highway Authority and any statutory utility company for the protection of/or access to their apparatus/plant
  • clearly display a 24-hour contractor name and emergency telephone number on site. The information board shall not measure any greater than 1.0 sqm, the scaffold shall not display any other advertisement.  
  • display warning signs at each end of the structure
  • dismantle and remove the structure from site before the end of the licensed period or as directed by the Highway Authority. Where an extension is required, an application must be submitted prior to the expiry of the initial licence
  • indemnify the County Council against any claim of injury, damage or loss due to:
    • the presence of your structure and licenced works
    • the actions of any person who carries out the licenced works
  • a competent person must inspect the scaffolding on a regular basis (at least every seven days). Weather conditions could affect a scaffold strength, stability, dismantling and other alterations
  • all inspection outcomes should be recorded and made available to the County Council upon request
  • provide a copy of your valid public liability insurance certificate (minimum cover £10 million). Insurance must cover the dates requested on the application
  • if requested, provide a copy of a regulated scaffolding association membership certificate, or equivalent

Other pedestrian considerations

Safe access for pedestrians, using suitable routes is an important consideration. Pedestrians should not be made to take lengthy alternative routes.

Pedestrian access must be maintained beneath the scaffolding on the existing footway, wherever possible.

Where this is not possible, a signed and guarded walkway outside the scaffolding is preferable or other arrangements as agreed.

All reasonable precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the public, giving particular thought to the needs of:

  • children
  • elderly people
  • people with disabilities

Traffic management

  • traffic management requirements must be discussed with us prior to installation of a scaffold or other structure. Additional fees may apply
  • we may impose restrictions on certain streets, such as those which are traffic sensitive or have a high pedestrian footfall
  • traffic and pedestrian management must comply with: 


The scaffolding or other structure should be removed in an appropriate and safe manner.

We will carry out an inspection of the highway following its removal. Any damage identified will be repaired and reasonable expenses incurred will be recharged to the licence holder.

We reserve the right to revoke your licence and request immediate removal at any time. We may do this if you do not comply with the licence conditions.

Where scaffolds and other structures are in place without a licence or are identified as potentially dangerous, we will serve a notice under Section 149 of the Highways Act 1980 instructing immediate removal.

After giving notice, we may remove the structure ourselves and charge you for all reasonable expenses we incur. 

If you fail to comply with our conditions, you could face a fine of up to £5,000.