
Careers in Adult Social Care

Make a difference

Image of a woman smiling with a friend

Adult care is in the business of people. People have challenges in their lives, but they also have success, strengths, aspirations and goals. The role of Adult Care is to understand who the people we work with are, what is important to them, what they aspire to and what they want to change. Our role is to build a relationship with people, understand what they wish to achieve and support them to have the best possible outcomes in their lives.

Our involvements aren't about time spent, forms completed, or services commissioned. Our involvements are about making a difference to people's lives by listening, empowering, understanding and working together to help people be active participants in their support.

Putting people first

Personalisation is central to the Care Act, and at the heart of our ethos for supporting the residents of Lincolnshire. The number of citizens over the age of 75 is likely to double in Lincolnshire in the next 30 years. Personalisation is a vital tool to help us manage this, while also leading to better outcomes for the individual.

We want to support people to recognise their own strengths so that they can be active members of their communities and have ownership of their health and care needs. We want to empower people to be confident in making choices about their own care, taking control of their health needs and being part of their community, and to help people get the most from life.