
Fix our funds to fix our roads

Letter to your MP template

Dear [YOUR MP],

Fix Our Funds to Fix Our Roads

I’m writing to you as one of your constituents, and a resident of Lincolnshire, who is concerned about the cut to Lincolnshire’s highways maintenance grant and the effect this will have on our local roads.

As you may know, ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ’s highways maintenance funding from the government was cut by 25%, or £12.3m, between 2020 and 2021.

[Use this space to share your personal thoughts about Lincolnshire’s roads.

You don’t have to write a lot, but try to think about the following points:

  • Why do you support the campaign?
  • How have the state of the roads affected you or your business?
  • Do you have a particular story you could share with your MP about a pothole or a certain road?

Here’s some background information that you could use:

  • £12m would pay for 24,000 potholes to be filled and 37 miles of road to be resurfaced.
  • There are over 5,500 miles of road in Lincolnshire. 12% of those – that’s 660 miles – are already classed as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’.
  • Road maintenance funding does not come from council tax. Every highway authority in the country receives their maintenance funding from the government each year. This comes from general taxation, including your vehicle tax and fuel duty.

Remember, you are asking your MP for their support, so please be polite.]

I hope that you will consider using your influence in Parliament to encourage the Secretary of State for Transport to give back the £12m taken from Lincolnshire’s highway maintenance grant and help the county council improve our roads.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,