
Supported living

Following your conversation with adult social care, supported living might be identified as a suitable option to support you to maximise your independence.

With supported living, you choose where you want to live and what support you receive. You do not have to fit in with any service or scheme. 

You may choose to live by yourself, or in a house share with other people who have similar needs to you.

Your support is tailored to your needs and usually involves social support, not medical care.

The benefits of supported living include:

  • a proper home for you to live in
  • more choice and control
  • giving you more responsibility to live independently
  • accommodation matched more closely to what you need
  • having more rights – if the support package is not meeting your needs, you can change service provider instead of moving home
  • you can still live close to your family and friends

You may have to pay for supported living. This will depend on the outcome of your financial assessment.

For more advice:

  • or,