
Children's health

Children's specialist continence service

This service is for children with bladder and bowel conditions.

It is aimed at children between the ages of:

  • six months to 19 years for constipation and bowel issues
  • from three and a half years for day time wetting
  • from five years for night time wetting

It is led by continence specialist nurses, who provide assessment and treatment plans for children who suffer with a range of bladder and bowel conditions.

They work closely with the hospital paediatricians and their team to ensure effective treatment and care planning for the individual child. 

Referrals can be accepted from all health professionals in Lincolnshire, including:

  • GPs
  • health visitors
  • children and young people's nurses

Bladder and bowel resources

Constipation and laxatives:


Bladder - daytime wetting:

Bladder - night time wetting:

Desmopressin for nocturnal enuresis:

Medicines for children patient information leaflets:

Other information leaflets: