
Report a pavement problem

We are usually responsible for pavements that run alongside roads and some link footpaths.

We carry out regular safety inspections in accordance with our Highways Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan.

Faults can develop between inspections so we encourage reports from the public too.

If your fault presents an immediate danger outside our normal hours, call the police on 101.

What will happen next

  • Reports are sent to the team responsible and will be assessed based on the information provided and using our Highways Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan to determine the correct action.
  • If there is an immediate danger to the public then the matter will be dealt with as an emergency.
  • Trips and potholes greater than 25mm, raised or sunk ironwork greater than 25mm and any missing ironwork will be made safe within 24 hours. This may be by signing and guarding the area or making a temporary repair while we arrange a permanent fix.
  • If the footpath fault has already been reported you can add to the original report and choose to receive updates