
Social media and mobile devices in employment policy

Legal issues

We can be held legally responsible for online content published by our employees. Employees must be aware of our policy and guidelines for using social media. These policies apply whether for personal use or as a part of their job.

Consumer protection regulations forbid creating:

  • fake blogs 
  • falsely representing oneself as a customer   
  • falsely advertising on social media sites 


Defamation is the act of making a statement about a person or company that is considered to harm its reputation. If the defamatory statement is written down, in print or online, it is known as libel. If it is spoken, it is known as slander. 

Posting a defamatory statement online or recording it on a podcast are examples of libel. 


It is illegal to use graphics or photographs from the internet without permission. Employees must ensure that anyone permitting the use of an image is the original copyright owner. Employees are required to check the licensing agreement of photographs in any existing archives before use.  

Employees are not to take or use any photographs of children who are under the age of 18 without permission from a parent or guardian. 

Disciplinary action  

All employees are required to adhere to this policy. Any breaches of this policy may lead to disciplinary action.  

Severe breaches of this policy may constitute gross misconduct and lead to dismissal.