
Sickness absence policy and procedures

Medical evidence

A sickness of seven calendar days or fewer is self-certified. 

All sickness that lasts for eight days or more requires you to provide us with medical evidence. This is usually a doctor's 'fit note'. 

The 'fit note' will state the period that it covers. It may say that you:

  • are not fit for work, in which case you should remain off work, or
  • may be fit for work, if you can follow your doctor's advice. 

Your doctor's advice may include:

  • a phased return
  • amended job duties
  • altered hours of work
  • workplace adaptations

To support you and plan for your return to the workplace, your manager will:

  • seek information and advice from occupational health and human resources (HR)
  • discuss with you what adjustments or support you need for any ongoing health issues

When your 'fit note' states that you may be fit for work, your manager will contact you as soon as possible to:

  • involve occupational health and human resources (HR) for advice
  • discuss what adjustments might help you return to work
  • clearly explain if we are unable to make certain adjustments 

If we cannot make the adjustments you need, we will continue to treat you as 'not fit for work'. This is in line with . 

In such cases, you should:

  • only return to work when recovered and can perform your regular duties
  • discuss and agree on a plan to keep in touch with your manager during your extended absence
  • discuss any actions with your manager that may help you to return to your regular duties 
  • agree to review these actions regularly