
Recruitment policy

Ensuring fair and legal recruitment  

Anyone involved in recruitment must be aware of their responsibilities under UK legislation. We provide training and additional resources to managers to ensure we comply with all statutory requirements. These include:    

  • Data Protection Act 2018, which incorporates the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2013. For further information, please see the Recruitment and Vetting Checks – Criminal Records Policy  
  • Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 
  • Children Act, Section 11 (2004) 
  • Equality Act 2010 
  • Protection of Freedom Act 2012 
  • Fluency Duty  

We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all. We prohibit discrimination throughout all stages of recruitment. We will always undertake shortlisting, interviewing and selection without regard to:  

  • gender 
  • trans status 
  • sexual orientation 
  • marital or civil partnership status 
  • colour, race, nationality 
  • ethnic or national origins 
  • religion or belief 
  • age 
  • pregnancy or maternity leave  
  • trade union membership.  

Read this policy in line with our diversity and inclusion policy.  

We recognise and value the diversity of our workforce and communities. We seek to ensure that all the attributes, talents and skills available throughout the community is recognised when employment opportunities arise.  

We are also committed to the development of our employees. We encourage internal applications for opportunities available.  

We embed health and wellbeing within our recruitment processes. We provide an environment which supports staff to maintain and enhance their health and wellbeing at work. This includes mental health as well as physical health. We embed this approach at all stages, including: 

  • job design 
  • selection 
  • recruitment 
  • training 
  • development 
  • appraisal 

Disabled applicants are guaranteed an interview if they meet the minimum requirements of the job description and person specification.

We will offer an interview to care leavers who meet the minimum criteria for the post. They must inform us of their care leaver status at the time of their application.  

For the purpose of this policy a care leaver is a young person aged between 16 and 25 who has left our care after being previously looked after. A care leaver must have been looked after by children services for: 

  • at least 13 weeks between the ages of 14-16 
  • or, has spent 13 weeks cumulatively after their 16th birthday under the care of the local authority 
  • have been the subject of a Special Guardianship Order and was in care before the Order was made

An applicant's gender identity is irrelevant other than in defined circumstances. There is no requirement for a trans person to disclose their status. If revealed, it will be kept confidential by all those involved. 

If documentation reveals a previous name and thereby gender history, we will keep this confidential. We will store all information securely with the permission of the individual.  

The same approach applies to qualification certificates presented before confirmation of a job offer. The certificates may be in an applicant's previous name. 

During interviews, we will not ask applicants about their gender identity or gender history. If an individual chooses to mention this, we will inform them that we support trans employees. We will assure them that the disclosure will have no bearing on the outcome of the interview. The information will remain confidential.  

Trans people may have to disclose their previous identity for us to obtain references from past employers. If this applies, we will keep such information confidential.