
Performance and development appraisal policy

Policy overview

Our performance and development programme includes annual appraisals and regular one to one discussions. The purpose of the process is to:

  • ensure that we can deliver services to agreed standards by having the right skills:
    • in the right place
    • at the right time
    • to the required capacity
  • develop and support all employees to do their job well. This enables them to deliver our priorities for the benefit of our customers and communities
  • ensure we are working as one council and through our partners to provide effective and efficient services
  • maximise the capacity, resilience and flexibility of staff and resources to deliver our priorities
  • develop and retain professional skills through development of career pathways

We will recognise individual performance and contributions through:

  • annual appraisals
  • regular one to one discussions in-between appraisals

Performance management framework

All performance and development appraisals are part of our performance management framework.

Our performance and development appraisals:

  • link with our corporate plan priorities
  • link to learning and development requirements
  • are efficient and flexible

Some areas may wish to use:

  • professional competencies
  • standards set by relevant professional bodies

We want to ensure that employees at all levels can see and understand that the objectives we set contribute to the council's success.

Appraisers must ensure that all appraisals are fair and equitable for all appraisees, in line with our diversity and inclusion policy.

The performance management framework is flexible.  It can be adjusted to meet the needs of different roles and circumstances.

Formal disciplinary and grievance issues are not part of the performance and development appraisal procedure. We will deal with these separately. We will record any issues about poor performance in the one to one and appraisal meeting documentation. We want to ensure that any contradictory messages given to the employee do not undermine the formal monitoring of performance (through the capability policy).

We do not usually allow electronic, audio or video recordings of one to one and performance and development appraisal meetings. The appropriate senior manager must give express authorisation before any such recording takes place.

This policy aims to create a performance management framework to ensure that all employees:

  • have an annual performance and development appraisal meeting
  • receive regular one to one meetings with their line manager to discuss their performance during the year and discuss:
    • wellbeing
    • progress on objectives
    • work activity
    • the council values
    • learning
    • development
  • know, at the beginning of their employment, the standard of performance and behaviour we expect
  • will have a one to one to discuss objectives shortly after starting their employment or new post
  • are set appropriate, outcome-focussed and SMART objectives with their appraiser to achieve, which are linked to the corporate plan priorities
  • are made aware of any areas in their work or behaviour that are not to the required standard
  • receive recognition for their achievements
  • give and receive regular constructive and respectful feedback with the aim to support, improve and develop their positive behaviours and performance
  • be supported to speak up about issues which are affecting them or others
  • identify with their line manager their learning and development needs and aspirations

Objectives will be appropriate to the role.  The manager and employee will determine how they are monitored over the appraisal year.

Appraisal core principles

All employees will take part in a formal annual performance and development appraisal process.  This may be light touch, or in greater depth depending on:

  • the type of objectives set
  • the value of the review to support an individual's progress and development
  • the impact on service delivery outcomes
  • the pace of change

The appraisal year runs from April and is reviewed by the end of March the following year.

Objective setting 

Individual performance objectives should relate to the overall objectives of the service area. 

Appraisers will: 

  • set objectives as and when required, in line with:
    • the corporate plan
    • the responsibility level and scope of work in the appraisee's current job description
    • the role descriptor where this exists 
  • discuss and update objectives and action plans with the appraisee through one to ones
  • assess performance against objectives, with tangible evidence and feedback
  • share responsibility with the appraisee for monitoring progress on the agreed objectives 
  • demonstrate the consistency of objectives set across their team to their line manager 
  • hold an end of year performance and development appraisal meeting with the appraisee

Objectives may be:

  • strategic: likely to remain for the whole year or more
  • agile: linked to specific shorter term outcomes
  • standardised: which may not differ from year to year
  • values and behaviour focussed
  • learning and development focussed: ranging from
    • mandatory training
    • gaining experience
    • competencies
    • professional development and qualifications
    • knowledge sharing

The process allows flexibility so that objectives are discussed:

  • as and when needed
  • at the appropriate depth level


We will keep a written record of all one to ones and performance and development appraisal meetings. They must be typed into the one to one and  and saved to a secure location. 

The appraiser will record on the appraisee’s Business World employment record the meeting dates of end of year appraisals and the overall outcome.  One to one meetings can be recorded as 'supervision'.

The electronic, audio or video recording by any device of one to ones and appraisal meetings is not usually permitted.  Express authorisation must be received from the appropriate senior manager prior to any such recording taking place.


The one to one and appraisal documents will remain confidential between: 

  • the appraisee
  • the appraiser 
  • the appraiser's manager 


Appraisers will ask the appraisee if they need any additional support or equipment to perform their role effectively. This may be ICT equipment or flexible working arrangements. They should discuss whether they need any reasonable adjustments or are still appropriate, if already in place, to support a disability.  


At the end of year review, managers will assess overall performance against objective outcomes as:

  • met
  • not met

Employees and managers will discuss feedback on performance and learning throughout the year in one to one meetings.

If there are concerns about performance this should be discussed at the earliest opportunity.  This is to enable and support improvement.

The end of year appraisal may be:

  • 'light touch' where progress and achievements are clear, or
  • 'greater depth' where objectives and outcomes are more strategic, complex or are linked to a career progression plan

At the end of year appraisal, the appraiser will

  • complete a personalised summary of achievements and reflections
  • state whether the appraisee has met their objective outcomes overall

Mitigating circumstances 

Employees may fail to achieve objectives due to issues outside their control. Managers must consider this when they review performance. Managers should disregard objectives that employees could not achieve because they were outside their control. 

Professional competencies

Professional competencies may be used within the appraisal process alongside the corporate values and behaviours. The use of professional competencies must be approved by the relevant director. 

New starters and types of contract

We will set objectives for all new employees in their one to ones. We will monitor these objectives over the first six months of their employment through the probation procedure.

Internal moves  

An employee may move to another role during the appraisal year. Before they leave, we will summarise their performance achievements in the year to date. We will set new objectives for their new role.

Change of manager during the appraisal year  

The previous and new managers should discuss the best approach to ensure: 

  • the objectives remain relevant  
  • they review performance over the full year 

The previous manager may be required to provide relevant information to the new manager.

Temporary and fixed-term contracts  

We will set objectives and a development plan for all employees on a temporary and fixed-term contract. They will be appropriate to the length of their employment. We will review this through one to ones and performance and development appraisal meetings.  

Where possible, we will align performance and development appraisal meetings to the appraisal year from April to March. This will ensure consistency with permanent employees. 

Long-term absences, including maternity or adoption leave 

If employees are absent during an appraisal year, managers will review objectives and timescales to accommodate the absence where possible. Absences due to a disability, maternity or adoption should not affect the overall outcome of the appraisal.  An informal approach will be taken based on individual circumstances.

Multiple post-holders 

Employees who have more than one post may receive more than one performance and development appraisal meeting. We will consider whether we can merge the meetings and objectives. 

Job share arrangements 

Job share partners can share some objectives and outcomes and have individual objectives. We will base evidence and reviews on the personal impact on the outcome. We will plan and evidence behaviours and development for each person.   


We will review the progress of employees who are due to start a secondment against the objectives from their substantive post. We will do this before they move to their new post. We may amend the objectives or reallocate them as appropriate for the duration of the secondment. 

The new manager will hold a one to one when the secondment commences. They will set new objectives. 

An employee may return to their substantive post before the end of the appraisal year. In this case, we will include the outcome of their secondment performance and development appraisal at the end of year review.

Relief staff 

Relief staff may have a performance and development appraisal if they have or will regularly work for six months or more.

Agency workers 

Guidelines state that agency workers are not entitled to an appraisal from the host organisation. Supervisors should ensure that everyone working for us has a clear understanding of: 

  • the work we expect them to complete  
  • our values and behaviours

Capability policy

The capability policy applies when an employee is failing to carry out their duties in a satisfactory manner due to capability. Where we do not apply this policy, we will put in place an informal development plan. The aim of this is to ensure that the employee's performance level improves.  

If there is no improvement, we will apply the formal capability procedure

We may withhold an increment as a formal action under the capability policy. We will not withhold increments for more than a year if their performance improves to the required level.