
Pay policy statement

Senior manager pay structure (from April 2023)

Job title Pay
Chief executive £198,521
Deputy chief executive and executive director of resources £171,418
Executive directors £146,318

Senior leadership pay band

Details of the senior leadership pay spine can be found in the senior leadership pay guidance.

Consultant reporting to director of public health

Band Pay
8 £65,922
9 £77,850

Director and consultant roles in public health transferred from the NHS to the county council on the 1 April 2013 as part of the Health and Social Care Act 2021.

The transfer was under TUPE, therefore terms and conditions of employment, including salary, are protected.

Fire and rescue service management team from 1 January 2024

Job title Pay
Chief fire officer £137,925
Deputy chief fire officer £110,340
Assistant chief fire officer £103,444