
Diversity and inclusion policy

Trans equality

We are committed to promoting a safe environment where people can be open about their identity. Individuals should be able to self-identify and to express their preferences.

Trans people have equal recruitment and employment opportunities. We will support employees through any transitioning process.

Employees who are seeking to transition are encouraged to discuss this openly with their manager. This will ensure they can put relevant support mechanisms in place. 


'Trans' described people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth.  They can be people who:

  • are planning or have had medical help such as hormones or surgery
  • are not planning any medical intervention
  • may be intending to, in the process of, or have undergone gender reassignment
  • are non-binary (not solely male or female).  They:
    • may define themselves as both, neither or something different
    • may or may not have medical interventions to align their body with their non-binary gender identity

Rather than assume, it is best to ask someone how they wish to be addressed. We encourage trans people to be open with us. We can then arrange appropriate levels of support, education and training to be put in place.

We recognise that terminology regarding trans people is evolving. Employees may self-identify and managers and colleagues will respect this.  

  • transitioning - the steps a trans person may take to live in a gender with which they identify. Each person's transition will be different. Not all trans people want medical intervention. Transitioning may involve telling friends and family, dressing differently or changing official documents.
  • acquired gender - used in the Gender Recognition Act 2004 to describe a person's gender after transitioning.
  • gender identity - a person's deeply felt experience of gender which may not be the same as the sex assigned to them at birth.
  • gender expression - how a person chooses to outwardly express their gender. A person who does not conform to normal expectations of gender. They may not identify as trans.
  • gender binary - the classification of sex and gender into two distinct and disconnected forms of male and female.
  • non-binary person - a general term for a person who does not identify as solely male or female. They may identify as both, neither or something else.
  • gender fluid - having a gender identity which varies over time.
  • cross dresser - someone who chooses to wear clothes not normally associated with their assigned gender.
  • transsexual person - legal and medical term for someone who lives (or wishes to live) permanently in the opposite gender to that assigned at birth.
  • legal sex - the sex recorded on a person's birth certificate. This can be changed by applying to the Gender Recognition Panel.
  • gender dysphoria - a medical term for serious distress because of a mismatch between a person's biological sex and gender identity. They have an overwhelming desire to live in a different gender to that assigned at birth.
  • gender reassignment - the process of transitioning from one sex to another.  It can include medical interventions as well as changing names, pronouns, dressing differently and living in their self-identified gender. It is a characteristic protected by the Equality Act 2010.
  • gender recognition certificate - signifies full legal rights in the acquired gender. It allows a replacement birth certificate to be issued.

This list is not exhaustive.

Equality Act 2010

Gender reassignment is one of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010. The Act protects a person from discrimination, harassment and victimisation if they are involved with gender reassignment. 

There is no requirement for the person to be under medical supervision. It is not necessary to have any medical diagnosis or treatment to gain this protection. 

People are also protected if they are discriminated against because:

  • they are wrongly perceived to be trans
  • or, of their association with trans people or issues

Gender Recognition Act 2004 

The Gender Recognition Act 2004 allows trans people to apply for a gender recognition certificate (GRC). This will give trans people legal recognition in their acquired gender. It will enable them to get a new birth certificate. 

The Act safeguards the privacy of an individual with a GRC. It defines gender recognition information as "protected information" except in certain specific circumstances (for example, to prevent or investigate crime). It is a criminal offence to disclose such information without the individual's consent.

Trans people are not required to apply for a GRC. It will not be a pre-condition for transitioning at work and requesting it could be considered harassment.

Supporting employees through transition

We will provide support to an employee's transition. The type and level of support will take account of the individual's view on how they wish to proceed. 

The manager will agree with the employee the support they require and develop an action plan. Help is also available from HR.  An equality impact assessment will be completed to ensure that the needs of all groups are balanced when it comes to toilets or changing facilities.

For further details, read our guide to transitioning at work


An employee will need to amend their pension records to reflect a gender change.

There may be some implications surrounding the GRC, marital status and nominations for benefits.

For further information, employees should contact pensions@wypf.org.uk.