
Disciplinary policy and procedure

Written warnings

The outcome of a hearing may be to issue a written warning. 

We will advise the employee of the reasons for the warning and confirm this in writing.

We will keep a copy of the written warning on the employee’s personal file. It is usually disregarded for disciplinary purposes after six months. 

In some cases, we may take an expired warning into account for further acts of misconduct.  For example, where we give a warning in relation to a safeguarding concern. It will remain on file indefinitely. It may be referred to if future safeguarding concerns arise. We will only do this in agreement with HR.

Final written warnings

We may give the employee a final written warning if:

  • there is a failure to change behaviour within the duration of a prior warning
  • a further act of misconduct occurs
  • the offence is sufficiently serious

We will advise the employee of the reasons for the warning and confirm this in writing. 

We will keep a copy of the final written warning on the employee’s personal file. It is usually disregarded for disciplinary purposes after 12 months. 

In some cases, we may take an expired warning into account for further acts of misconduct.  For example, where we give a warning in relation to a safeguarding concern. It will remain on file indefinitely. It may be referred to if future safeguarding concerns arise. We will only do this in agreement with HR.

Final written warnings may also be issued alongside transfer or downgrading sanctions as an alternative to dismissal. For further information see the dismissal section of this policy, under heading 'alternatives to dismissal and, or transfer'.