
Criminal records policy

Types of checks

There are different levels of criminal records check that we use. The level of DBS check must be relevant for the role the individual is undertaking. It is not acceptable to request or use a higher level of check than is required. For example, you cannot request an enhanced DBS with an adults and children’s workforce, if the individual will only be working with children.

Basic DBS check

A basic DBS check is for any purpose, including employment. The certificate will contain details of convictions and conditional cautions that are considered to be unspent under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (ROA)1974.

Standard disclosure

A standard DBS check is suitable for certain roles, such as a security guard. The certificate will contain details of both spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings that are held on the Police National Computer, which are not subject to filtering.

Enhanced DBS check

An enhanced DBS check is suitable for people working with children or adults in certain circumstances such as those in receipt of healthcare or personal care. It is also suitable for a small number of other roles such as taxi licence applications.

The certificate may also contain non-conviction information supplied by relevant police forces, if it is deemed relevant and ought to be contained in the certificate.

Enhanced DBS check with barred list

An enhanced with barred lists DBS check is also suitable for people working with children or adults in certain circumstances such as those in receipt of healthcare or personal care.

An enhanced with barred lists certificate will contain the same information as an enhanced DBS certificate, but will also include a check of one or both barred lists.

Eligibility criteria for an enhanced DBS check

Below is an overview of the eligibility criteria for enhanced DBS checks. For further information, read .


  1. Unsupervised activities. To teach, train, instruct, care or supervision of children, advice and guidance on well-being, driver of a vehicle only for children.  The activity must be done regularly by the same person:
    • on more than 3 days in 30 days
    • or, overnight between 2am and 6am
  2. Work in a limited range of places where there could be contact with children or vulnerable adults. For example, schools, children's homes, childcare premises. The activity must be done regularly by the same person:
    • on more than 3 days in 30 days 
    • or, overnight between 2am and 6am  
  3. Relevant personal care. For example, washing, dressing or healthcare, even if carried out once.
  4. Registered childminding and foster carers, even if carried out once.


The focus is on the activities required by the adult and not:

  • on the setting
  • or, the personal characteristics of that adult

Those who provide:

  • healthcare by regulated health care professionals
  • personal care such as assistance with washing, dressing, eating, drinking, toileting or teaching to do these tasks
  • social work
  • help with cash, bills and shopping
  • help with the conduct of persons own affairs such as enduring power of attorney 
  • conveying adults to and from health care, including taxis