
Capability policy and procedure

Managing performance

The manager should discuss any performance issues with the employee as soon as possible. They can do this as part of regular one-to-one or supervision meetings. All discussions will be supportive and take place in a confidential environment. 

As this is part of the normal day to day management process, discussions will normally involve the employee and the manager only. The manager will ensure that the employee understands the purpose of these discussions.

Where the manager identifies under-performance, they will explain the possible next steps if performance does not improve. This can include but is not limited to, invoking the capability procedure.

The manager will:

  • explain the aspects of the employee's performance that they feel needs to improve
  • take into account the employee's views on their performance
  • try to understand the problems the employee is experiencing and the reasons for them
  • discuss what support or training the employee needs to help them improve
  • allow a realistic period for the employee to improve to a required standard 

The length of time will depend on the nature of the under-performance and any support in place.

The manager will record the main points in their regular one-to-one or supervision notes. They will provide a copy to the employee.