
Appeals policy

Appeals outcomes

The appeal outcomes may be:  

  • uphold the case against the employee and the original sanction or dismissal 
  • uphold the case against the employee but impose a reduced sanction or reinstatement  
  • uphold the appeal and not uphold the case against the employee, which withdraws the sanction imposed or reinstates them   

The decision of the appeal manager or panel will normally be given at the appeal hearing.  It will be confirmed in writing later. The appeal manager or panel may take additional time to consider the case. The appeal manager or panel chair will confirm their decision with employees in writing.   

The decision made by the appeal manager or panel is final. There is no further internal right of appeal. 

Successful appeal against dismissal 

If an appeal against dismissal is successful, we may reinstate the employee into their previous position. The reinstatement will be effective from the date of dismissal. 

In some cases, it may be appropriate for them to move into a different position. It will be of equal status and pay. This will take place only after discussion with the employee and their companion.  

When a position no longer exists, we will consider alternative employment. 

There will be no loss of continuity of service or associated rights.  

If an employee's dismissal notice has expired, they will receive the appropriate amount of back pay. This will be for the period between the effective date of termination and the day of reinstatement.