
Alcohol and drugs misuse policy

Recognising there is an issue

Pre-employment medical

We may include alcohol and drug screening in the pre-employment medical examination.  This will be carried out through the use of appropriate sampling procedures.  Managers will determine the need for this screening using the corporate risk assessment template. 

Further information is available in G1.2 of the health and safety manual.  An example risk assessment is available on Lincs2Learn.  

It is a condition of employment to have this medical.  If the results show alcohol or drug misuse, we will withdraw any conditional offer of employment.

Reasonable cause

Managers will intervene if an employee is in an unfit condition when on council premises or business.  This means not being capable of working in a safe or productive manner because of an alcohol or drug problem.  Managers may:

  • remove the employee from operational duties
  • meet with the employee to discuss concerns
  • refer the employee to Occupational Health for a medical assessment.  If required, this can include an alcohol or drug screening procedure. 
  • refer the employee to the screening company for immediate same-day testing

The manager will determine the need for screening based on risk.  The employee will be asked to complete a consent form and provide a sample.  Refusal may lead to disciplinary action being taken.

In-service testing

We do not carry out unannounced random testing for alcohol and drugs.  We may, however, wish to introduce such procedures in the future following appropriate consultation.

We may expect an employee to agree to random testing if they have tested positive. This will assure us that they remain free of alcohol or drugs whilst at work.

Recognising employees with an alcohol or drug problem

The earlier alcohol and drug problems are identified, the greater the success of any intervention offered. These factors could indicate an employee has an alcohol or drug problem:

  • absenteeism, including:
    • unauthorised absences
    • increased amounts of sick leave
    • lateness
    • leaving early
    • frequent visits to the cloakroom
  • increasing incidences of accidents in and out of work
  • refusal to undertake a test
  • low-performance standards - unreliability, impaired concentration, memory and judgement
  • interpersonal problems - irritability, paranoia, erratic behaviour
  • great physical incapacity, including
    • lack of concern for personal appearance or hygiene
    • flushed face
    • hand tremors
    • runny nose
    • dilated or constricted pupils
    • smell of alcohol