

Support for foster carers

Our Learning Homes Award celebrates foster carers and residential homes that:

  • support education and learning in the home 
  • encourage social, emotional and academic learning 
  • nurture looked after children and young people to develop the life skills and aspirations they need to succeed 

We have created a workbook that describes how you can do this. There are four sections, known as domains, and within each one, there are: 

  • measures of success 
  • theories or research 
  • examples of what this looks like in real life 

The four domains are: 

  1. Practical activities in the home 
  2. Supporting education 
  3. Working together with professionals
  4. The approach to learning 

We know that when education and aspiration are encouraged and supported in the home, young people have a better chance of success in school. They are more likely to go on to achieve their academic goals. 

Working closely with schools can affect how well young people:

  • develop
  • build a positive attitude
  • continue in education or train for a successful future

The Learning Homes Award recognises and celebrates all the fantastic ways you do this. We can identify any training and development which can help you in your crucial role. 

How to enter 

To enter the Learning Homes Award, you can: 

  • join Caring2Learn 
  • work through the Learning Homes Workbook 
  • build a portfolio  
  • attend workshops, training and support meetings  
  • describe and improve the way you work with or support vulnerable young people in your home 

We will ask you to collect evidence to submit for your portfolio. This can include: 

  • photographs 
  • certificates 
  • meetings and review notes  
  • other relevant documents 

You will be supported by: 

  • the Caring2Learn team 
  • education champions  
  • your supervising social worker

They will help you to show the amazing things you do every day to create a caring, supportive and aspirational learning home for children and young people in your care. 

When you are ready to submit your portfolio, the Caring2Learn Assessment team will look at your evidence and agree on your award.  

We will send newly-approved foster carers a workbook about learning homes or training, standards and development. You must complete it within the first year of approval. 

To find out more, ask your supervising social worker or email caring2learn@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

Foster carer champions 

We have a team of foster carer champions from a variety of backgrounds. They have wide-ranging experience caring short and long-term for children: 

  • of all ages 
  • of all abilities 
  • with special educational needs 

They encourage wellbeing and education in their homes and support other carers and education settings.

Our foster carer education champions can: 

  • support new carers and introduce them to the Lincolnshire Fostering Hub 
  • be a listening ear and offer support in your role as a foster carer 
  • support and advise about the Learning Homes Award 
  • provide advice to carers around learning and working with schools 
  • support carers with education planning and reviewing needs
  • work with carers and advise at meetings with schools or other organisations

To find out more, ask your supervising social worker or email caring2learn@lincolnshire.gov.uk.