
Puberty - Stay Safe Partnership


Our puberty workshop aims to prepare children for the changes they can expect during adolescence. We use the correct anatomical names for body parts.

This workshop is delivered to mixed gender classes. If requested, we can provide single sex sessions. However, we do advise having a mixed class. We believe it is important the students learn about the changes one another will experience. This is also encouraged by Public Health Lincolnshire.

The students will explore the physical and emotional effects of puberty.

We will also help to normalise menstruation. This will include a demonstration on the use of sanitary products.

This session is roughly an hour and a half and includes an information handout for the students to take home.

Service Description

Positive Health (Lincolnshire) is proud to be one of the biggest providers of PSHE sessions in the county. As a sexual health charity, we concentrate on delivering sessions around relationships and sexual health in an age-appropriate manner.

  • provided to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • appropriate for year 5 to year 7 pupils
  • can be delivered to individual tutor groups or whole year groups
  • roughly an hour and a half, although it can be shorted to an hour to fit lesson times
  • explores the effects of puberty on the physical, mental and emotional changes for young adolescence
  • provides coping strategies to dealing with those changes. For example, management of emotions, healthy diet and exercise
  • normalises menstruation and nocturnal emission
  • provides information of how and where to ask for help, including signposting to local services

Our workshops are charged at £80 for a class of approximately 32 students and £220 for a year group assembly.

Contact and how to book