
Risky behaviour - Stay Safe Partnership


This workshop is regularly updated to reflect the risks young people can face in today’s world.

Currently, one of the biggest issues is the risk alcohol can play, especially when we look at binge drinking. In order for young people to identify how alcohol can affect them, they have the opportunity to use beer goggles to try out some tasks. This always proves popular!

There is a mention of vaping and smoking and the risks that come alongside both.

Although this is not a drugs awareness workshop, we have included an element on drug taking and other drugs related issues, such as:

  • what the risks are
  • the issue of drink ‘spiking’
  • how to get help if they are concerned about themselves or a friend

As a sexual health charity, we spend time discussing how the use of both drugs and alcohol can lead young people to taking more risks in their sexual health. The trainer will look at how drugs and alcohol can increase their chances of contracting an STI, unplanned pregnancies, or create problems regarding consent. We ensure there is clear guidance on where the students can get help and advice should they need it. This includes the correct use of condoms and how to access emergency contraception.

This session includes a condom demonstration.

Service Description

Positive Health (Lincolnshire) is proud to be one of the biggest providers of PSHE sessions in the county. As a sexual health charity, we concentrate on delivering sessions around relationships and sexual health in an age-appropriate manner.

  • provided to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • appropriate for students in year 9 to 13
  • roughly one hour
  • as a charity specialising in sexual health, we have experience dealing with this subject matter
  • the students often interact more openly with an outside speaker about difficult subjects
  • signposting to local and national support services if needed

Our workshops are charged at £80 for a class of approximately 32 students and £220 for a year group assembly.

Contact and how to book