
An introduction to consent - Stay Safe Partnership


This workshop begins by looking at personal space and boundaries then moves to a gentle introduction to consent in relationships.

We look at why we might be comfortable being physically closer to some of the people in our lives compared to others. We educate the students on what consent is and which situations they need consent in. The trainer will gently introduce the students to the age of consent in sexual relationships. We believe it is important to educate young people on this so they have the correct information before they may need to apply it in their lives.

We use scenarios to begin a discussion with the students surrounding sexual harassment and what is appropriate behaviour. There is a brief mention of sending indecent images and the consequences that may follow if they do send any.

We also make sure that the students have some guidance about who they can talk to if they are concerned or worried.

Service Description

Positive Health (Lincolnshire) is proud to be one of the biggest providers of PSHE sessions in the county. As a sexual health charity, we concentrate on delivering sessions around relationships and sexual health in an age-appropriate manner.

  • provided to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • appropriate for year 8 students
  • roughly one hour
  • as a charity we have extensive experience working with young people to maintain healthy relationships
  • the students often interact more openly with an outside speaker about difficult subjects
  • normalising individual lifestyle choices, and treating everyone with respect
  • ensuring the students understand how to behave within relationships
  • signposting to local and national support services if needed

Our workshops are charged at £80 for a class of approximately 32 students and £220 for a year group assembly.

Contact and how to book